  • Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, George Cruikshank (Illustrator).jpg
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[BUMP|HARDCOVER] Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, George Cruikshank (Illustrator)

Regular price
RM 35.90
Sale price
RM 35.90
Regular price
RM 0.00
Format: Hardcover
Condition: New but bump on the side
Genre: Classic

In Oliver Twist Dickens weaves social comment into a thrilling good-versus-evil adventure, holding his readers in thrall as much today as he did in 1837 when the story first appeared. The tale of an innocent abroad in a hostile world grips from the first page and introduces some of the most memorable characters in English literature.

The sumptuous edition of Dickens' enduringly popular novel features illustrations by George Cruikshank, whose artwork adorned the pages of Bentley's Miscellany, the magazine in which Oliver Twist was first serialised; and by James Mahoney, another prominent Victorian-era illustrator of Dickens' work. There are also etchings of 19th century London, evoking the capital Dickens knew so intimately; both the refined quarters and the less salubrious districts where the real-life Fagins and Sikeses conducted their nefarious business.

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