  • The 10 Qualities of Influential People How to Inspire Yourself and Others to Greatness by Brian Tracy 9781722506346
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The 10 Qualities of Influential People: How to Inspire Yourself and Others to Greatness by Brian Tracy 9781722506346

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RM 40.90
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RM 40.90
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RM 0.00

Format: Paperback

Condition: New

Genre: Business

ISBN: 9781722506346

Bestselling author and world-renowned speaker Brian Tracy teaches readers how to become influential.

A person will only move, change, take an action of any kind, or be influenced if they feel that they are going to be better off afterwards. While influential people come from all income levels, races, genders, backgrounds, and personality styles they do share 10 unique qualities in

Great communicators





They love people more than gadgets

Great integrity


Great Attitude

They persevere in the face of difficulty

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