  • To Make Monsters Out of Girls (things that h(a)unt #1) by Amanda Lovelace 9781449494261
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To Make Monsters Out of Girls (things that h(a)unt #1) by Amanda Lovelace [HARDCOVER]

Regular price
RM 49.90
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RM 49.90
Regular price
RM 0.00
Format: Hardcover 
Condition: New but minor dent 
Genre: Poetry 

"What happens when the man of your dreams turns out to be a nightmare with sharp teeth and claws?" Winner of the 2016 Goodreads Choice Award for Best Poetry, amanda lovelace presents her new illustrated duology, “things that h(a)unt.” In this first installment, to make monsters out of girls, lovelace explores the memory of being in an abusive relationship. She poses the eternal question: Can you heal once you’ve been marked by a monster, or will the sun always sting?

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