  • Just Like Fate by Cat Patrick and Suzanne Young 9781442472716.jpg
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Just Like Fate by Cat Patrick and Suzanne Young [BOOKSHELF WEAR][C4-CA13-01]

Regular price
RM 26.90
Sale price
RM 26.90
Regular price
RM 0.00

Format: Hardcover

Condition: New but with bookshelf wear (minor aging, dent, dog ear, peel or torn)

Genre: Science Fiction

Caroline is at a crossroads. Her whole family is on her back, and her grandmother, the only person who really understands her, is sick, maybe dying. All she wants to do is escape. So when her best friend suggests a night out to forget her troubles, Caroline must choose: stay by her grandmother's side, or go to the party and live her life . . . and maybe meet the boy of her dreams.

This decision will split Caroline's fate into two separate paths - and she's about to live them both. But there can only be one happy ending . . .

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