  • The Laws of Luck The Success System That Never Fails by Brian Tracy 9781722506636
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The Laws of Luck: The Success System That Never Fails by Brian Tracy 9781722506636

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RM 40.90
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RM 40.90
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RM 0.00

Format: Paperback

Condition: New

Genre: Business

ISBN: 9781722506650

Make Your Own Luck! Some sav success is based on luck. But high achievers don't leave their success to chance. They guarantee their future by applying the proven laws of success. When you apply these laws, you will unlock the most potent forces in the universe. You control vour luck. What's the key? If you want to succeed, do what successful people do . It's that simple. In this book, Brian Tracy shows how to put the laws of luck to work for you. You'll race forward faster than you ever imagined getting more done, earning more rewards, having more opportuni-ties, and ultimately reaching the goal that everyone happiness. This is the success method that never fails! Let Brian teach you the skills you need to achieve success satisfaction in all areas of your life. Learn how Success and happiness are not accidents. By mastering the method that Brian Tracy presents in this book, you can learn how to reach your most cherished goals quickly and with certainty. You'll be successful-and people will call you lucky.

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